Haiti Travel Forum

Re: Pignon Haiti, Ride To The Airport

Been there too. I recognize the bridge and the school uniforms of College de la Grace which is near the airstrip. I... more »

All American Airlines Flights To Haiti Cancelled Dec 8-9

American Airlines cancelled its flights for today and tomorrow into Port-au-Prince as roadblocks obstructed personnel... more »

American Airlines Cancels All Flights To Haiti

As Of Wednesday December 8, 2010, ALL American Airlines flights to the Republic of Haiti have been cancelled. This is... more »

All Flights From Miami To Port-au-Prince Have Been Cancelled!

This just in... All flight from Miami Florida to Port-au-Prince Haiti have been cancelled due to the massive riots... more »

RE: Do I Need A Passport To Travel To Haiti?

do a us soldier need a passport to travel to haiti more »

Re: Haiti Passport Requirement

Hey, I'm in boston and my passport is expire since last year. Now i need tto renew it but i don't have my birth... more »

Re: Visa To Haiti

I am Colombian, If I buy a visa before hand for Haiti, can I get into Haiti? more »

Been to haiti several times

I have been been to haiti 5 times. With mission groups mainly. I was associated with a mission that is still there in... more »

RE: Visa To Haiti

dear sir, I am Bangladeshi,i need to haiti visa.please give me infromation how about visa collection.thanks.ismail more »

Re: Visa To Haiti

DEAR SIR, I am Bangladeshi.i meed to haiti visa.please give infromation how about visa cpllection?please reply... more »