Re Haitian woman that die.

Nadege Content - February 27 2008, 5:22 PM

I, as an haitian have always been upset with the way American Airlines treat us. we gives American as much if not more business than any other.

we fly three hours from New York to Haiti were we have to pay some times up to thousand of dollars with no respect, while we flight to Paris for up to five hundred dollars for many more hours, do you see the picture here. I would like for Haitian to stand up and take the monopole that American think that they have in Haiti away from them. American Airlines never did and I don't think they ever will show any respect unless we as Haitian stand together as one to show them that the time is now to show respect.

I heard that they think Haiti is theirs no other Company can't come and last, we have to change that if they want to be the only one taking all our money they have to start showing some respect.


Woman Die in American Airline Flight From Haiti

There has been may complaints about American Airline's Service to Haiti but this one is beyond repair. A Haitian woman...

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