Haitian Currency Haitian gourde, Haitian dollar, or US dollar?
When purchasing in Haiti, always be sure to clarify with vendors which currency they are talking about: the Haitian gourde, The Haitian dollar, or They U.S. dollar?
Just keep in mind:
- The Haitian currency you are holding in your hand is the Haitain GOURDE not DOLLAR.
- If they mention "U.S." multiply by forty (See Haiti currency exchange rates)
- If they mention "Haitian dollar" (Dola Haitien), multiply by five (See: What is a Haitian dollar?)
More Haitian Currency:
- Haitian Gourde - Haitian Money
- Exchange Rate - Haitian Gourde to US Dollar
- Haitian gourde, Haitian dollar, or US dollar?
- What is a Haitian Dollar?
Return from Haitian Gourde Haitian Dollar Or Us Dollar to Haitian Currency